False Starts
I think the hardest part of writing is thinking you have something and then having it fizzle into absolutely nothing. I've been working on FFYT (may be retitled to No Good Deed) and I'm having the hardest time getting the opening down. I'll write a shit ton of words, get quite far into it and then get stuck and no matter what I do I can't move forward and I realise that I've been going down the wrong way. With some stories I can just cut a few plot points/chapters and while that can result in my losing over 15,000 words at least I still have a start that'll work for me. Not so with Fall For Your Type. I keep having to take a step back and try and rethink how to work it and it's just, it's really frustrating and blocking me when I try to work on other projects. I don't know how to get out of this slump. And a large part of me thinks it might be a result of the change in my sleeping patterns -- when I was writing fairly consistently I was in univ...