Story Update IWOAK I'm over halfway finished with chapter thirty, I hit my stride a few days ago, hit a rough snag transition wise but I'm feeling good about being able to post first week of August. I'm feeling fairly confident about this opening although I'm worried that what I'm aiming for might not come across as clearly as I want it too but we shall see. CHOICES AJ's voice is killing me. I'll probably post some of the rejected material on here since it's not bad, per se, but something about it feels off. FALL FOR YOUR TYPE First chapter has been drafted, plot has been figured out and I have a rough idea for the summary [which I will post on here later]. I'm not going to start typing it out until I'm closer to the end for IWOAK since I don't want to get distracted by the shiny. --- During one of my long absences [one of the six months ones] I got frustrated with my inability to actually write the chapter I was supposed too...