
Showing posts from August, 2011


It has been brought to my attention that large parts of When Doves Cry has been copied by someone on Right now I have sent both the girl and the website and nothing has been done. She doesn't have a valid email account or private messaging and I have given her a week to take everything down/fix her shit but she hasn't acknowledged anything and I haven't heard from She pretty much copied Adrian's thoughts and swapped out names and some objects and as a result, not only is her main character mine, his friends/girlfriend are copies of Bryce, his sister, Alyssa and his parents are Adrian's. She does have some original work up (I think, unless she copied her main character from someone else's work). Does anyone know how long it takes for them to get back to you on plagiarist complaints and do you know what I can do, aside from putting her on blast to get it taken down? I found out Sunday and told her she had a week to take it ...


So, IWOAK 31 is coming along, I know the scenes that have to happen, it's just the order of things and the pacing that's being difficult. I want to get as much as I can done in August since when school starts back I'm going to destroy it. I managed to finish last year with a 4.0 average and As in all my classes and I'm doing that again this year. But, as y'all know, as my marks rocketed my updating went to shite, lol, so now I want to make sure I have enough done to keep me updating monthly without sacrificing quality for either aspects of my life. Currently the plan is to update at the end of the month as usual but I'll be moving back to school during that week/first week of September so things might be a bit late but it will be up.