
Showing posts from September, 2012

Status Update

IWOAK 35 This shit needs to end. I swear to you. I'm here >.< with this bloody chapter. Like, this shit, ugh. It's going to be finished this month, the feel might be slightly off as will the pacing but it's taking me too damn long for a chapter I know exactly how it'll go. It's frustrating me something fierce because it's like, UGH. I don't have any excuses because this shit should've been handled so it's going to get posted soon. It's vexing me. It's also probably going to be quite long because everything picks up in this chapter.  Thanks to all of you for your patience with this. FFYT This story may not end up on fictionpress.There have been a few things that keep making me weary about posting on fp so I will definitely keep you all posted about where this story will be posted. I haven't written anything for this aside from scenes that popped into my head out of order because I need IWOAK to be finished first. T...