Hey all, Just thought I'd do a check in and let you guys know where I stand writing wise since I've been offline for the past few months. I removed IWOAK from FP last night. I'm getting into the heavier lifting stage of rewriting it and after going over it I just didn't feel comfortable leaving it up. Also, to all the people who reread it, more power to you because that's 200k words of rambling for a lot of it and unnecessary detail. I'm definitely going to be tightening it up, cutting unnecessary subplots (some I'm actually considering transferring over to FFYT since it'll work in the context of that story a lot better, especially since I'll be aging the characters up by about two years to make it flow better with the pacing). Fall For Your Type is coming along, I'm on the fence on whether or not I should post some of the rough opening chapters on here if I'm going to try and publish it as part of a series/duology. This whole thing...