
Showing posts from February, 2011


In regards to chapter 28's progress, I'm working on it, lol. I know exactly what's happening but again starting the chapter at the right moment is proving harder than I thought it would and I'm balancing it with school work and job hunting. There are about 5/6 chapters left, maybe two more depending on chapter length and if any scenes I wasn't really planning pop in. I actually can't believe that I'm almost finished the book, well... that's not true, I should've finished it a while ago since it has been up for almost three years now. I definitely need to work on my writing pace, or figure out how to get across everything I want in a more concise manner. Currently I'm going through some of my older stuff and I found one of my exercises for trying to write a story in third person. It has been years since I've written anything in third person and I want to get back into the habit so I have a flexible writing style. Not to mention I fee...

Review replies

Chapter 26 Kjersti: Chris is an ass. That's what happens when you never have to fully deal with the consequences of your actions, you think you deserve everything handed to you and other people to fix your problems for you. And Judi's mom likes to think that she's open-minded, and she is, but when it comes to the safety of her children she has no problem making them hate her for a little while if she thinks that someone they're hanging out with might actually put them in harms way. A boyfriend who's in a gang? Someone who will put you in harm's way, lol. To be fair, she's been fairly good about it considering Judi has gotten into the most trouble she's ever been in since she started dating AJ. On the other hand, she's also been the most confidant so that could be why she let it slide for so long. Chapter 27: AzlTrs: Yeah, Judi is a baby, lol. I think it's easy to forget since I don't really focus on them in school. And I hope it's...

Quick status update

Chapter 27 is trucking along. It has been outlined fully [along with chapters 28, 29, and 30] and I have started writing it and I think I should be able to post it Valentine weekend. It's a weird chapter that's not a filler but it doesn't get to the meat of the matter, I tried to just write the black and white affair but this came out and I think we do learn something and I really like it so far. I'm feeling quite inspired to be honest, I have a short story idea that won't leave me alone and quite a few other works that I haven't touched in a while (some of them I haven't touched in *years*) but I'm thinking I might adjust them and I might have my next project for fp once IWOAK is done. I might post some summaries on here when things are slower or I'm blocked, see what you guys think. Also, how many of you would be willing to read an M-rated story from me? I'm not sure if this will even happen, but I was thinking about Missy's story (do...