
Showing posts from March, 2011

progress and new site

So, no update on IWOAK, that's still moving along, bumped into a few voice issues but I'm rewriting and working on that and hopefully it'll make Judi's reactions more realistic based on the character I've created without messing up everything I have planned out. What makes it really frustrating is that I finished the chapter, it's written out and everything but it just feels wrong. I'm most likely going to cut the opening scene because the voice doesn't sound like Judi at all there and it feels pointless. I'm hoping I can get it figured out and smoothed over by this weekend. In the meantime, here's a website that is dedicated to stories with black females in the lead with a large focus on interracial stories. I haven't been on it for long but it looks like it has something for everyone, and you don't have to be a member to read and review.

Story Status

So I'm over halfway finished chapter 28. I currently have 8946 words of an expected 13 000 finished. I've also written out most of AJ's one-shot, I just need to type it up which will be done after the chapter is complete.  I'm aiming to finish the majority of my class assignments this weekend and then just focus on the chapter.  Also, I found the first person version of that wedding snippit I put up a few posts back. The voice in this one is stronger than third person (I feel) but the descriptions are lacking.

Progress Update

Currently chugging along, got the opening down although that might change depending on how the rest of the story flows. I always find the beginning chapters of 'major' events difficult because should I just jump right in? Do we want a build up and then the event? Can you do both? And I tried to do it from them being at the event and starting from her waking up so I could start tying things together but it just felt like too much and I asked my sister and she told me I didn't need any more build up for this story, lol.  As well, I have decided  I'm going to try my hand at writing a one shot for AJ. I don't know how this is going to turn out because he is not open with his feelings, or at least soft feelings, so it should be interesting. I have an idea to either write it from when he decides to use her so we can see where his mind's at and how he notices her for the first time or during show and tell. If it turns out I can actually write from his voice [note...