
Showing posts from 2013

Frustration and Musings

Hey guys, I know I haven't posted in 6 months but I'm honestly fed up with myself and my inability to get past the idea/plotting stage of a story to the actual writing. Even forcing my self isn't working. I tried nano and went absolutely nowhere. I'm talking like 6000 words max. However, I've joined a couple of those publisher communities (i.e. ) where you can post your stories online and depending on community feedback they have voting rounds and if you get high enough your story will be looked at by editors of the publication and then the 'winner' or top book of that period will be published. I'm seriously thinking about  submitting IWOAK to the community and see how it does. Mind you, I might age the characters up a bit, first year uni at the max for Judi and the girls just to make certain aspects of the story more realistic. I'm not sure on that yet, but it's an option, especially since I think there's not  ...

Quick Status Update -- snippit

Hey you guys, I know I've been MIA for quite a while now but I am writing, just slowly.Very slowly. After I finished IWOAK I sort of got stuck in this weird limbo where I have ideas and I can plot those out but writing the actual words is a bust. I have like six false starts for One More Night (the gladiator-ish story I've posted on here) even though I know the characters and I know how I want them to meet again in our time. I had a quick brain storm with my sister that hopefully we can extend on over the weekend and it'll be the kick I need to get everything working again.  Then there's the epilogue for IWOAK. Oy. I have that outlined and everything but the words aren't coming at all. I know where I wan the scene to happen, how I want it to happen but it just won't happen. I don't know, rereading the story isn't helping me get back into the flow, it's just making my fingers itch I'm hoping to at least have that finished sometime this mon...

The Boyfriend

So IWOAK is complete and a lot of you are ready to read about Missy and Vince.Those two have history and they both regret the way ish went down between them. I don't have anything I can say without giving away parts of FFYT but I thought it might be nice to give you guys a look at one of the important parts of Missy's life since while she was there for Judi every step of the way, she was still quite secretive.  In FFYT, and IWOAK, Missy has only one person she considers her boyfriend. Her first in a lot of things and the love of her life even though he died before they had even properly exited the hell that was puberty (and for those thinking you've passed puberty hell at 16 remember all the little things that made you want to freak out and/or felt like your life was ruined. Hormones gallivanting all over the damn place). I can't go into too much detail about their relationship (again, FFYT should cover that) but physically he was her ideal type. When Missy was w...


Has been uploaded. Enjoy ;) Review responses will be put up sometime this week. Possible epilogue in the works, not sure yet.

Happy New Year! Have some Missy

Happy 2013 all! I just wanted to thank all of you for the support over the years, this year especially since I know my writing has slowed down quite a bit and life kept intruding and I have yet to perfect the art of multi-tasking to that degree. This isn't going to be super long, just letting you know that IWOAK will be updated by the end of this week, Sunday at the latest. The chapter is complete I'm honestly just trying to work out a few kinks but I won't be ditching huge chunks of text (I don't think) lol. Since I've been pretty neglectful here's some Missy (no spoilers for FFYT I don't think):