Check In

It Was Only A Kiss
Stalled. I have about 500 words written but it doesn't feel right for an opening. I don't know if I should jump a head a few days and give her a chance to gain control or go right into her confrontation with her parents and even that is iffy since her dynamic with her parents makes her reactions feel iffy.

I'm going to try and write a different scene and then come back to the opening and hopefully by then I'll have figured out what's wrong and won't have to do another 10k scrapping session before it comes out right.

Second part of AJ's POV is coming along nicely. I considered doing it in chronological order but honestly I'm pretty much writing his parts as they come to me and since it's a series of one-shots/his memories each scene is strong enough to stand on its own if you've read the main story (I think). When it's finished I'll post it on here first and see what you guys think.

Fall For Your Type
Missy's story. I'm currently still figuring out the plot. Well, that's not true. I know the plot but I don't have any major moments that I can connect together to keep the story focused or any hardcore details that I can use to inspire me.

I'm working on the summary in the hopes that it'll help clarify the middle of the story for me and I'll be posting that sometime soon as well (hopefully). i also have the opening chapter written out long hand and the second and third chapter plotted out in jot notes so I need to type those up and then double check if the person I want to beta for me is still available.

I'm toying with the idea of posting the first few chapters of my baby on here just to get some feedback on it. It's an urban fantasy in the traditional sense -- strong female lead, little romance [at least at first] and creatures that want to kill her, or those around her,  in modern day cities/towns.

The original story was actually the very first thing I posted on fictionpress [2004/5 i believe] but this has gone through quite a few major rewrites and I'm interested to see what other people think of it and my main character.

I have a few other things I'm working on although my focus is on these stories with IWOAK being at the top of the list.

On a non-writing related note I'm still looking for a job, I honestly feel like I have the worst luck looking for jobs during the summer even though I'm constantly handing out resumes. It's frustrating and one of the reasons I need to really focus on my writing. If I can't get a job I might as well be productive in other ways.


  1. Feel you on the job search. I personally think you should jump ahead a few days. I don't know why I think that, but I feel a straight jump into a confrontation with the folks could possibly clog the emotional high left from the previous chapter. Plus, the issues with Judi's parents are not going to disappear overnight so they don't have to be addressed right away, I am sure there will be other occasions to have this confrontation. I don't know if this makes sense and you might have a totally different idea. I just hope my suggestion helps you a little. Whatever you decide I know I will enjoy reading it. Thanks for the shot out at the end of chapter 29

  2. I agree, jump ahead a few days and have the situation brew for a while, having too many confrontations in succession will feel like it's all being crammed in, overload style. aj should probably give judi that initial space and avoid diving in head first with the parents. i kinda feel that this is the one thing judi would keep from her parents as long as possible, trying to get her own head around it before being bombarded with their views.

    choices can definitely survive without being in chronological order. i don't know it's just something about the series of oneshots to do with iwoak that doesn't need it to be logical, almost like he's remembering certain things when an action triggers the memory and we get taken along his thought train.

    your other stories will come to you, don't rush them and don't worry about pleasing us. we're always happy with what we get.

    good luck with the job hunt, the same goes for that too, the right job comes when you need it.

  3. Yeah, I agree that you should skip ahead if it's flowing better. I don't see Judi actually telling her parents what happened, At least not yet. So if it is flowing better moving ahead go for it. we all are just dying to see what happens next.

    As for Choices, again i don't need to go in order. You would have to have read IWOAK to understand it anyway and any memory of AJ's would be a treat to see what was going through his head.

    Hope things are following better now. And good luck with the Job search.


  4. I totally had a 'ah-ha' moment, lol. Not only was I forcing the confrontation with her parents I also had Judi reacting to things she technically wouldn't have known at that point.

    Things are definitely flowing better now so hopefully this time around I can get everything finished without any major rewriting.

    Thanks for your input you guys, it really did help :)


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